232 Market Street, Flowood, united states, 39232
The venue is located in a complex of commercial buildings, right next to Dick's Sporting Goods off of Lakeland Drive.
232 Market Street, Flowood, united states, 39232
The venue is located in a complex of commercial buildings, right next to Dick's Sporting Goods off of Lakeland Drive.
Last Updated:
The content was tough but that extra effort I had to put helped me remember and understand power BI better.
Discussing about our issues
What I liked the most was the coach's openness regarding the change in content as well as the approach that was previously prepared to accommodate our real needs
The second day as Power Bi is a really friendly tool, and clearly Costas knows it very well, it was really good to learn about that tool. Unfortunately we have to see Power pivot in excel first which is really not user friendly but definitely a must see first in order to understand how Power Bi works, and it makes Power Bi look super cool :)
The second day was very interesting. It was a good training to see some possibilities within Power BI; but mostly you learn then while you work with Power BI. Fact is also that the training base has all access rights and everything works, but as soon as you try to connect to the live system, it does not work and this makes the knowledge transfer a bit difficult.
Training adjust the training according to our needs and knowledge. He understood participants experience with Power BI.
I really enjoyed the training exercise.
Offering a more in-depth scope about Power BI more than any training institute that I came across to.